February 23, 2012

Lab: ZBrush Sculpting 001

Note: ZPR file chose to corrupt itself upon ZBrush crashing. Tool was not saved and so I was not able to continue editing the face.

February 15, 2012

Midterm: Zippo Texed/Lighted w/ Cyc

UV Map with RoadKill Version 2

This was done incorrectly the first time as we needed to unwrap into as few shells as possible. This was tough and so I had to seperate the objects into the Zippo's Lid & Base.

February 5, 2012

A Skyrim Story: Book of Renji

It was year 201 of the Fourth Era. A mysterious Khajiit entered the borders of Skyrim on a prison wagon transporting one of the most wanted criminals, Ulfric Stormcloak. As the Khajiit approached his destiny a dragon interrupted the proceedings and razed the town of Helgen. Though the Khajiit's name, Drak'renji was not on the list, a lone imperial soldier named Hadvar helped him escape amidst the commotion. Throughout his journey through Skyrim he had discovered he had been blessed with the blood of a dragon, which allowed him to use his voice to lethal effect and turn it into a Thu'um.