March 3, 2012

Chapter 5 "Vocare Ad Regnum"

The air was still in his mind. As they sped through the terrain on magical streams, nothing else entered his thoughts. The image had been branded into his memory. The cloaked figure carried Aiden away, as the hope of his retribution was lost forever. From the moment of his 8th rising he had experienced nothing but death in the wake of his becoming. They came to an alcove just off of the southwestern shores of Renaultus, a small port town outside of Lion'el Castle. As the magical streams dispersed, they descended upon land. Aiden, stricken with grief could do nothing but lash out on the cloaked figure. Tears streaming down his face, his arms wailing, there was nothing the figure could do but hug and console him. Both his anger and sorrow were intertwined into one emotion.

February 23, 2012

Lab: ZBrush Sculpting 001

Note: ZPR file chose to corrupt itself upon ZBrush crashing. Tool was not saved and so I was not able to continue editing the face.

February 15, 2012

Midterm: Zippo Texed/Lighted w/ Cyc

UV Map with RoadKill Version 2

This was done incorrectly the first time as we needed to unwrap into as few shells as possible. This was tough and so I had to seperate the objects into the Zippo's Lid & Base.

February 5, 2012

A Skyrim Story: Book of Renji

It was year 201 of the Fourth Era. A mysterious Khajiit entered the borders of Skyrim on a prison wagon transporting one of the most wanted criminals, Ulfric Stormcloak. As the Khajiit approached his destiny a dragon interrupted the proceedings and razed the town of Helgen. Though the Khajiit's name, Drak'renji was not on the list, a lone imperial soldier named Hadvar helped him escape amidst the commotion. Throughout his journey through Skyrim he had discovered he had been blessed with the blood of a dragon, which allowed him to use his voice to lethal effect and turn it into a Thu'um.